Vegan red thai curry

September 9, 2019
Family Verdict:


Curry paste:

5 shallots

3 red chillies

3 tsp paprika

5cm piece of ginger

handful of fresh coriander, leaves and stalks

2 cloves garlic

Juice of 1 lime

3 tsp lemongrass puree


1 large carrot

2 red peppers

400ml tin coconut milk

2 heaped teaspoons peanut butter


400g rice

Make the curry paste by combining all the ingredients in a blender until smooth

Cook your rice using whatever method works for you

Chop carrot and peppers into pieces - they want to be about equal shape and size, a couple of bites big

Heat a glug of oil in a frying pan and add the carrots and peppers., cook on a medium heat until softened

When soft, add the curry paste and mix well. Cook out for a minute or two.

Add coconut milk and simmer to allow it to thicken

When the sauce has thickened up somewhat, add peanut butter and stir to combine

Serve on a bed of rice with a squeeze of lime


This is the first dish I have cooked from a book that the Eldest was given by a friend for her 21st recently. It is from the folks at MOB kitchen - whose basic premise is recipes to feed four for under a tenner is a strong offer, and apparently the Eldest uses their website at Uni on a regular basis as a source for inspiration (rude). Anyway I have tried a few of their things - and some of them have made their way here. This is the first one from a "book" though, which seems a strangely old-fashioned concept, but I guess brings money in a more predictable way than accepting sponsorship (Tilda is one of theirs which crops up in a lot of their recipes.....)

Anyway, meat free Monday came around, so we tried this one. I must confess I would have been sceptical if you told me you could feed four with a carrot and a pepper - but lo and behold you can. This was a really tasty and filling meal which I would do again. I even made my own peanut butter to use in it. I didnt have any lemongrass and so upped the lime juice, which made it a bit too fruity. I think with the listed ingredients this would have been dialled down and so better.

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