Barley and Pomegranate Salad

August 16, 2018
Family Verdict:


1 cup pearl barley 

6 celery stalks (leaves picked and reserved, stalks cut into small dice)

60ml olive oil

3 tablespoons Sherry Vinegar

2 garlic cloves, minced

2/3 teaspoon ground allspice

3 tablespoons chopped parsley

3 tablespoons chopped dill (I used fennel leaf as I have it growing in the garden)

seeds of one large pomegranate

Cook barley in salted water until tender, 25- 30 minutes. 

Drain barley and transfer to a bowl. 

Add oil, vinegar, garlic, allspice, salt and pepper and celery and mix well.

 Let cool, then add herbs and pomegranate seeds. 

Taste and adjust seasoning.


With that title, who else could this be than the reverend Ottolenghi. I was in the Summer mode of making a load of salads at the weekend to accompany a BBQ, then eating off the left overs during the week. I had some pearl barley left over from making this recipe for an Orzotto (risotto made with barley instead of rice) and I happened to have a pomegranate to hand. I always have flat leaf parsley in the summer as it goes in everything, and this year I have actually grown it from seed in pots which is fantastic.

This is pretty easy, very fresh and tasty although I have to say it did not all get finished which is why it has the lower rating than normal otto's. Try it though, it is different.

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