C3 Vegan curry

November 2, 2020
Family Verdict:


As with Barclay's recipes, this is for ONE person - you hopefully can multiply....

1/2 onion, sliced

1/4 large cauliflower, chopped into bite sized pieces

1 tsp turmeric

1 tsp Cury powder

200ml coconut milk

pinch coriander seed

1/2 tsp veggie stock powder

some flaked almonds to serve

Fry the onion and cauliflower in some oil over a medium heat for about 5 minutes until the onions have softened.

Season with salt and pepper, add the turmeric, curry powder, coconut milk, coriander seed and veggie stock powder

Simmer for 10 minutes until the cauliflower is cooked (you may want to cover the pan and/or add a splash of water if the sauce gets too think)

Check the seasoning and serve scttered with almond flakes.


Apologies for anyone Cambridge based for whom C3 may have other connotations, but the long-form title for this dish, which is 'cauliflower, coriander seed and coconut curry' is just too long for the formatting on this site - so I have found a shorthand.

This is another recipe from Miguel Barclay's vegan one pound meal book. I (rather sadly) made this for myself during half term when the Currently Resident Offspring were otherwise engaged at sleepovers or in socially distanced Wetherspoons (it is 2020 as I write)

i had even bought a cauliflower specially. It was a small one, so I used half rather than the quarter specified and it was a good amount. I find it interesting that he cuts through all the crap of making a curry and just uses curry power. You lose some of the layers of flavour that you get if you build a base using individual spices, but it does save a lot of time, as long as your curry powder is reasonably fresh.

I enjoyed this dish, which I served just with plain rice. It was a good tasty meal with little effort, and would become a go-to recipe if I was a full time vegan, I would guess.

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