Chocolate Chip Cookies

March 5, 2018
Sweet bakes
Family Verdict:


100g softened, unsalted butter

75g white sugar

50g light muscovado sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 large egg, beaten

150g self-raising flour

100g chocolate chips

Heat the oven to 190c, and line 2 or 3 baking trays

Beat together the butter and sugars until creamy.

Add vanilla extract to the beaten egg and then gradually incorporate this into the butter/sugar mix, beating well between additions.

Mix in the flour and then the chocolate chips

Spoon large teaspoons full of mixture onto the lined baking trays, allowing room for the cookies to spread. Don't worry about flattening the blogs, heat will take care.

Bake for 8-10 minutes until light golden brown. They darken quickly so keep an eye. Once out of the oven allow to cool slightly on the tray and then lift to a cooling rack. Enjoy.


This is a post for the Youngest Offspring. She and I were home alone one day after school last week. It was the week of the "Beast from the East" and although a lot of the country was covered in snow, where we live it was bitterly cold yt resolutely dry. There was a smattering of snow on the ground but the weather reports every evening sent her scurrying to the window every morning to see whether enough snow had arrived overnight to close the school and get her a "Snow Day". Sadly it didnt and by Wednesday she was a little down, to be honest. So she hit on the idea of making some chocolate chip cookies.

She was very specific about them though - they have to be chewy in the middle, and we cant cook them too long or they will go dry.Challenge set, we scoured the internet and our books for a suitable recipe - cos we don't actually make these very often. I think the last time the Eldest made them, and I wasn't sure which recipe she had used. Eventually (of Course) we hit on this recipe which is by Mary Berry.

So we don't need to talk about the pedigree of the recipe, just get on with it. Mary promises these will be slightly chewy and she is always right. The recipe makes about 20 cookies which keep in a tin for about a week, but I doubt they will last that long. they are delicious.Resist the temptation to make them too big.

Incidentally, and ironically, the snow finally arrived late on Friday and by Saturday morning the area around us was covered in a good blanket of snow. The Youngest and her friends were out in it for hours, and had a snow day but not a day off school. Standing watching them sledge down the Dole Field Hill was a bittersweet moment as it brought to mind the last time we had a similar snow day - probably six years ago when the Late Wife, mid-way through Chemo and under circumstances that would cripple lesser people, took gleefully to the same hill on the same sledge and spent hours having Fun with her Offspring and Friends. Enjoy Life, she says.

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