Coconut Salmon Noodles

August 9, 2017
Family Verdict:


1 can coconut milk (light if you prefer)

1 clove garlic, thinly sliced

1 inch piece of ginger, matchsticked

200 g pak choi - bulbs cut into wedges, leaves sliced.(if there are only 2 eating, you can half this)

1/2 red pepper, deseeded and sliced

1/2 red chilli deseeded and thinly sliced

250g salmon fillet, skin removed

handful of cherry tomatoes, halved

300g fresh rice noodles

soy sauce, lime juice to season

Put the coconut milk in a large frying pan with a lid. Add the ginger, garlic and chilli and slowly bring the milk to a boil. If feeding 3, add a half tin of water

Add pak choi bulbs, pepper - cover and simmer for 3 minutes

Cut the salmon into approx 1cm cubes. Add to the pan together with pak choi leaves, tomatoes and noodles. Stir all together gently.

Cover and simmer 3-5 minutes until the salmon is cooked.

Serve in large bowls, with soy sauce and lime juice available to season


This is an old favourite of the Late Wife and I. We used to have it quite regularly. It seems (maybe apart from the coconut milk, where you could always use a light version) to be quite healthy - a good quantity of fish and vegetables cooked without oil, but also has the upside of being very tasty, and very quick and easy to do. A bit of chopping and you are done really.

Anyway I haven't made it for a while, but then the Eldest (who is temporarily back from her travels and is unique among the Offspring in liking fish) suggested we have it. I needed no more urging and so here it is presented to you like an old friend.

You might be better off with light coconut milk, depending on how creamy you like things - full fat can be a bit cloying (hence the dilution) so it might be more pragmatic just to go for the thinner milk off the bat.

The tomatoes seem an odd addition, but they are essential to the balance of flavour, so don't be tempted to omit them. Their sharp sweetness lends a bite that is needed. And in the same spirit, serve this with bottle of light soy sauce and lime juice so that people can adjust their own seasoning - the acid is particularly needed (pace the tomatoes)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. These quantities serve 2/3 people depending on hunger, and how many noodles you ad. I often add less noodles if there are only 2.

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