Green CousCous

July 26, 2018
Family Verdict:


150g couscous

160ml boiling water or vegetable stock

1 small onion, thinly sliced

1 tbsp olive oil¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp ground cumin

50g shelled unsalted pistachios, toasted and roughly chopped3 spring onions, finely sliced

1 fresh green chilli, finely sliced

30g rocket, chopped

Herb paste:

20g parsley

20g coriander

2 tbsp chopped tarragon

2 tbsp chopped dill

2 tbsp chopped mint9

0ml olive oil

put the couscous in a bowl, add the liquid and then clingfilm the bowl and leave it stand for at least 10 minutes to absorb.

Cook theonion until soft and golden in the olive oil. When done, add the salt and cumin and leave to cool

Make the herb paste by combining al the ingredients in a blender/processor until smooth.

Uncover the couscous and fluff it with a fork. Stir in the herb paste and then gently fold in the pistachios, chilli and onions

Serve at room temperature. It keeps well and so can be used with many meals


An Ottolenghi salad for the BBQ season. I have made this a few times this summer, but only just photo'd it. Otto himself describes it as: "A good-looking and even better tasting side salad. It has strong flavours and is extremely healthy but still feels light and comforting" and I cant improve on that. The Offspring love it, and it is a hit with everyone who has tried it, what can be better? It also has the benefit of minimal cooking as most of it is raw.

I know the name sounds unpromising, but please give it a go

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