Steamed Sea Bass with ginger and spring onion

August 1, 2017
Family Verdict:


Depending on the size of your fish - and whether this is a main or part of a banquet. As a main I use 1 farmed sea-bass per person.Use your common sense. These quantities will dress about 3 fish of "single portion" size, or one large fish

1cm root ginger, matchsticked finely

1 spring onion, finely chopped

For the sauce:

2 tsp light soy sauce

1tsp sesame oil

spring onion, finely chopped

1 cm root ginger, matchsticked

Fillet the fish in such a way as to leave the 2 fillets still joined at the tail. The fillets should lie flat with the skin side down ad the tail pointing up

Place a bamboo steamer over a pan of boiling water. Places the fish(es) on a plate(s) and put in the steamer. Sprinkle with the ginger and spring onion

Steam the fish for about 15-20 mins until cooked (depending on size)

In the last 5 mins make the sauce by putting all the ingredients in a small saucepan and heating them gently

When the fish is cooked, remove the plate from the steamer and drizzle over the sauce. Serve immediately


We are back to Mr Peng's Hunan again for this recipe. It is actually something which I cook whenever I have another fish-lover in the house (TheOffspring, save the Eldest are not keen) and has been adopted by many I have fed it to because of its wild simplicity but fantastic flavour - which as any reader hear should know is a hallmark of mr Peng. The only reason I haven't posted this before is because I always forget to photograph it. As Mr Peng himself says "eat as soon as its ready; when it's cold the freshness will disappear"

And freshness is right - once again we have streamed ginger here, and the flavour that steaming imparts is wonderful, citrus and zing which seems to complement the flavour of the fish without over-powering it which it easily could.

I strongly suggest you try this, it will become a staple. It is simple to do (although you do need a bamboo steamer), has few ingredients and makes a fabulous centrepiece to a meal. There is an intricate way that Mr Peng specifies for filleting the fish, which i have not reproduced here (you need to buy his book really) but essentially it ends up with the fish filleted, but with the fillets still joined at the tail. Laying the fillets skin-side down leaves the tail sticking up in a pleasing manner...

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