Tagliatelle agli Aspargi

May 9, 2018
Family Verdict:


500g Tagliatelle

500g Asparagus

100g Butter

1 slice stale white bread, rubbed into large crumbs

200ml double cream

splash of water

50g grated gruyere/emmental style cheese

Prepare the asparagus by removing tough ends of stalks. put (standing up if you can) in a pot of boiling salted water, so the stems cook and the tips steam for 4-8 mins, depending on thickness. You want it al dente. Drain and cool under running cold water. Allow to dry and cut into 2cm pieces

Melt the butter in a frying pan on medium heat. Add the breadcrumbs and stirfry for a couple of minutes

Add the cream, a splash of water, salt and pepper to taste, Stir and add the asparagus. Coat it in the sauce and cook for about 5 mins on low heat. Cover and keep warm

Cook the pasta in boiling water, again al dente is best. Drain and add to the asparagus sauce. Turn gently to mix. Add the grated cheese and again stir through until the cheese is melted.

Serve and enjoy


The first post in a while, for a variety of reasons - holiday (skiing v good late snow) exams (A levels for the Boy, GCSEs for Middle Girl) and some nice weather. But now comes my favourite time and favourite ingredient - Asparagus. I know it can be bought most of the year but this and Strawberries I try only to buy in the season in Britain. Especially Asparagus which lasts until mid-summer then it's gone for another year.

This recipe which comes from a very well-worn book by Diane Seed called Top One Hundred Pasta sauces (really) is a well-established favourite. I used to make it for the Late Wife and I after the children had gone to bed, when they were younger. Now they are older and their tastes more mature, they love asparagus too and have come to love this dish as much as us.

It is a gorgeous blend of asparagus, cream and cheese which is a bit rich but so lovely. An occasional treat. The eagle eyed will spot I made it with short pasta rather than tagliatelle - again, not letting absence of on hing make the whole dish be postponed. The recipe serves 4 adults

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