Multi-seed Crispbread

October 10, 2019
Savoury Bakes
Family Verdict:


Option 1 - with guten

100g rye flour
100g all-purpose flour (you can replace with rolled oats)

Option 2 - without gluten

100g Buckwheat flour
100g gram flour

In both cases:

  • 50g flaxseeds ( I didnt have these, so substituted sunflower seed)
  • 50) sesame seeds
  • 50g pumpkin seeds
  • Either: 2 teaspoons fennel seeds, cracked
  • Or:1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 3/4 teaspoon flaky salt
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • approx150 ml hot water

  1. Heat the oven to180°C. Take two large baking trays and a roll of parchment paper.
  2. Add all the dry ingredients to a very large, spacious bowl. Stir well with a rubber spatula, then tip in the oil and water. Stir well and use your hands to form a compact ball if needed. You may need slightly more or less water depending on your flour - you want a tacky, but not wet, dough
  3. Place a sheet of parchment paper onto a large surface and place half of the dough on top. Cover with another sheet of parchment paper, and flatten the dough into a large and thin rectangle using a rolling pin.
  4. Remove the parchment paper on top and transfer carefully the flattened bread with the remaining parchment sheet into the baking tray.
  5. Lightly score into pieces with a sharp knife.  Sprinkle additional flaky salt over.
  6. Repeat the same with the other half of dough.
  7. Place the trays in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Swap the trays around and bake for 10 to 15 more minutes, until golden (but not burned!).
  8. Let cool and break into pieces, or crack along the scored lines with a heavy knife.
  9. Store in a airtight container for up to two weeks- although both batches I have made lasted 2 days.....


Well we are always on the search for a good savoury crispbread here - or a cracker if you prefer. The reason is mainly delusional - I like to snack, or "graze" as we call it now, and so am always looking for something with no or low added-sugar to have to hand for when the munchies strike. You can of course buy these, there are many types available but I baulk at the prices charged and never really trust what is in them.

So following on from Sesame Lavosh, for which you can find the recipe on here, I was casting my net wider and wanted to use some rye flour that I had - searching for the elusive Swedish crispbread kind of texture. Anyway I happened on this recipe and made it. Fantastic results, really snappy tasty crispbread which feel like they are doing you good. And the method of rolling between 2 sheets of parchment paper is also good - saves a huge amount of mess, and allows you to deftly handle what is otherwise quite a sticky dough.

So it is al the things a good recipe should be - quick, easy, satisfying and tasty. Saves money and feels healthy to boot.

Incidentally I have been playing aroudn with some gluten free and also keto type baking recently and I devised a gluten free alternative to the recipe here - and I have noted the alternative ingredients. The gram flour combined with cumin seed gives a deeply savoury and satisfying flavour. Please try them!

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