Sesame Lavosh

March 11, 2019
Savoury Bakes
Family Verdict:


  • 1 cup/120g plain flour
  • ⅓ cup/40g wholemeal flour (I used rye)
  • 2 tbsp each black and white sesame seeds or 4 tbsp just one kind
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh oregano or 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ¼ cup/60ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • ½ cup/120ml water

Preheat oven to 170˚C fan and line an oven tray with baking paper.

In a mixing bowl stir together the flours, sesame seeds, oregano and salt.

Mix the oils and water together and add to the dry ingredients, stirring to form a soft, pliable dough.

Divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll each out on a lightly floured board as thinly as possible. Each piece of dough should yield a rectangle about 34 x 16cm. Cut each rectangle into strips measuring about 4 x 17cm. They need to be virtually see-through.

Carefully transfer strips to a baking tray, brush lightly with oil and sprinkle with flaky salt. Bake until crisp and pale golden – about 15-18 minutes. Allow to cool fully then store in an airtight container.


OK so I accept that this is not an every day item to make, but actually it is a very simple recipe for delicious crackers that you can use for all manner and kind of dips such as hummus, guacamole etc.And they cost pence to make. And they don't take very long. Oh and did I mention they are delicious?

This bake and I have history. Back in the mists of time before the Late Wife was Late, we used to organise pop-up meals with our friends and neighbours in the Big House. These were pretty well attended and successful events, featuring a wide range of different cooking styles each event with a guiding theme. One of the early ones was Ottolenghi based (middle eastern type) and featured a range of dishes but kicked off with a butterbean hummus with sesame lavosh. The butterbean hummus is a recipe for another day, the lavosh for today. I think lavosh is just a word for cracker and sesame is I think only one way of flavouring them - you could incorporate any number of a wide range of seed based flavourings.

Anyway I remembered these for some reason the other day, whipped up a batch because I hadn't made anything for a while and laid them before the remaining Offspring. They were a great hit. Try making some - I think you will like them too. This recipe calls for bothe black and white sesame seed, which you probably dont have. Either buy them or substitute all white for example. The ones in the picture are made with all black sesame cos that is what I had to hand. Again don't let lack of specific ingredients stop you having a go.

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